the creative outlet of liezlthewiezl

Monday, September 08, 2008

Our Anniversary...

Today marks the day of our first year anniversary!
Crazy stuff!!!
So, in order to celebrate, Mike and I went off to Life Day Spa for a full-body Swedish Massage, then we drove down to Stonehaven (where we got married) had dinner at Franco's Little Italy, then stayed the night. The next morning we woke, had a full buffet breakfast, then waited for our friends and family to arrive. We then hopped on the Rand Vaal Cruiser for a 45 min boat ride down the river and finished off with a lunch on the banks of the Vaal.

PS. Mike gave me the most stunning ring for our anniversary!

On the boat...

Mike and Stan - the rappers...

Chanel, Robbie, Ana and Manny...

Paul and Jenni...

Miranda, Ryan and baby James...

Daddy day care...

Jann's birthday - night

Then, on Jann's birthday night we met her and her cronies at Cubana. Much fun was had by all... as you can see...

Shannon, Jann, Leigh and me...

Nick, Mike, me and Jann...

Nice cream-on-the-nose...

piggy back time - one up...

time for no 2 - ready...


and off we go...

Jann's birthday - day

Jann's birthday was on the 30th August, as seeing as she has no family in JHB, Alcione and Caroline organised a surprise breakfast for her at the Flamingo Café at Montecasino bird park. Jann had NO idea and we had a great morning strolling around with the birds.

Breakfast girls - Alcione, Jann, Kirsten and Me (Minus CAroline who's taking the pic)

Do the flamingo...

Jann's gift impersonation...

Checking out the frogs...

Monday, August 25, 2008

a superb sunday

Yesterday we drove up to Pretoria to meet Jenni and Esmé at the Botanical Gardens, to enjoy a relaxed afternoon in the sun, reading books and listening to the string quartet play. Then we drove past Moyo at Zoo lake on the way home to visit Carla who was here for a week from the UK.

Mike being himself - much to Esmé's enjoyment...

Mike & Carla...

Mike and pork-chop me...

Friday, August 15, 2008

Behold the beauty...

...that is my new car!

My new rust-orange Yaris was delivered yesterday, amid excitement and champagne in the office. With only 5000km on the clock, anti-smash & grab and centro locking custom fitted, i can't believe it's all MINE!! (So are the repayments... bleurgh!)

(albeit the car looks red in this pic, it is actually orange-ish)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

New baby in the family

So, today marks the day that I get rid of my hunka-junk of a car! Although I'm sentimental about my first dream car, my Tazz was costing me WAY to much to fix odd breakages every month. So, I decided it was a case of now or never...

Say goodbye to my tazz... and hello to new car payments!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Walking the Talk

Yesterday we (Michael, Jann, Cheryl, Marco and I) took part in 702's Walk the Talk. We decided to walk for a cause to raise money for a home for abandoned babies in Berea. Because of this sponsorship idea we crazily decided to walk 15km. All in all it was a great day (besides the damaged tyre en-route due to an open manhole) and today we are all (except Mr Muscle Michael) a tad stiff. The award for the day goes to Jann, who walked 15km with us, then had to go to 5 hours of dancing rehearsals!

The resulting flat tyre that awaited Michael and Marco when the finished walking...

We walked with 40 000 Joburgers...

Finished and tired!

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Mom's new car

So, I've been very quiet for a while, but a new job has been keeping me busy! Anyway - the title of this post is the order of the day, so.... For her birthday, Mom got this birthday card from her friend Dee, it was a sort of 50ies card covered with daisies and totally flower power idea. When Dad bought her a new car, the Yaris, he was not so thrilled that it was black, so in jest suggested maybe some daisies. So, Mom decided that she would cut up reflective vinyl strips (like those on trucks) to make daisies. Obviously, this was a no-go, so I bought some vinyl and cut daisies out of it and voila, Mom has a flower power car!


Thursday, April 03, 2008

my birthday

My birthday was spent at News Café this year - joined by friends, friends of friends, work colleagues and such, we descended on the News in Sandton. It was a crazy night - spending the boss's money and dancing with the other patrons...

I'll let some of the pictures do the talking...


Monday, March 03, 2008

i'm a marble magnate

So, while Mike studies intently for his java exam, I busy myself making marble magnets... I use scraps of designs/illustration/pictures from magazines, so each set is completely different and unique. I will put some of these in my etsy shop as soon as it is up and running...

Here's an example of marble magnets (not mine tho)

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Monday, January 28, 2008

can this day get any worse?

So, today started off swimmingly. Got 2 hours extra sleep thanks to a blood test needed for a new liberty life policy. The catch was that due to a misunderstanding, my premium is to go up by R130. Bugger.
Went off to work, started wading through the days work. Then.... CRASH... some dork had parked his car sans handbrake, and his bigass green tank of an Audi was firmly connected to the side of my car. Third time this has happenend in a year. Second time in 2 months. I'm SO over it. Can't WAIT to move offices this week! *meh*

Friday, January 25, 2008

The change is not in my pocket...

You may have noticed that my blog looks a tad different these days... The story is that I am starting my own online craft business at etsy this year, so have decided to make my blog a blow-by-blow account of my adventures! My first step is to get a credit card for online purposes... if only my new-surnamed ID would hurry up and be ready already! Mike has agreed to let me use some space in the spare room to set up a little sewing nook (i'd like to call it a studio, but it will be teeny tiny, so nook suits) I bought myself the best sewing chair, a wheelie stool!

Now I can wheelie myself around upstairs, and Mike and I can have wheelie-chair races! This weekend we plan to redo a desk that his parents have kindly given to me, stripping it down and painting it... firetrucks watch out, you're gonna have some competition...

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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A new Veiga...

Now before you all freak out and assume the best/worst, the truth is that we have a new addition to our family (new, meaning not expected in 9 months) Please welcome Napoleon "Sabotage" Dynamite, the miniature russian hamster!!! *round of applause* Napoleon was a gift from me to Michael for his birthday just before christmas. When we got him he was teeny tiny, but after 3 weeks of having a whole cage and endless food to himself, he has become somewhat of a pork chop. Oh well.

(This isn't him, but it's darn close. Would love to post a pic of him... if... only... he'd... stand... still...)

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The wait is ALMOST over...

With just a few nore days till we finally get our wedding pictures from Andrea, Mike and I have decided to capitalise on this wedding industry and enetr every single wedding competition we can find...
SO Andrea sent us a few more pics to use...

Friday, October 05, 2007

say it with me - i'm a schmodel

Andrea (our great wedding photographer) has commended my patience in anticipating wedding pictures..
So, she sent me a few more, just to tide me over till she is done...

Yes, I am a bit of a model...

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